Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A series of 8 rangas (a form of Japanese collective writing )

Truth is power either positively or negatively
The only positive truth is an honest lie.
Lying about the past only serves those who benefit from the present and the future
The oppressors, those on top, feed off the oppressed (on the bottom).
The strong feed off the weak.
The strong ones pick on the weak ones and it is not fair.
Their “strength” is built on myth and lies.
Everyone has strength in our mind and soul.
Strength. Truth. These are interesting keywords.  How are each or both linked to your mind and soul?

I hope the government will finally get the truth on the residential schools system.
Truth should be an obligation people have to each other.
Our only true obligation is to each other
And to help all others pursue happiness and personal fulfillment.
What is happiness? What is fulfillment?  To me, happiness is in this moment.
Fulfillment is when you accomplish something. Happiness is being alive.
And free, emotionally, and healthy.
Free is good but sometimes feelings is hard to fix.

Is it something we discover by assuming we do not know?
Knowing everything about truth.
Are there many truths or just one?
There are as many truths as there are involved parties
But again, facts do not cease to be facts just because we chose to ignore them.
Let’s stop ignoring the facts then. Make it a practice to tell a fact per day to one person.
Yes let’s tell a fact per day to one person.
The sky is blue except when it is grey and the sun will probably rise tomorrow.

What is Truth? Something people did in the past and that they don’t want to know because it is bad or good.  I think sometimes it is better if truth is not discussed.
But if we don’t discuss then we don’t debate and we must debate the truth.  It is not natural, static.  There is not one version!
I wish the government will find the truth about everything.
I can’t trust anything the government says about truth.
When the government speaks or writes it’s lying.
And usually for the benefit of someone.
Yes, this so called “democracy” feels more like a dictatorship. The definition of democracy began a long time ago, and it meant that the people were allowed to gather in groups without permission. Today in this government you need a license to do that.

The truth only lays in the bones of the ancestors.
And the ancestors were involved in the search for truth when all of the noises began to subside
Subside and yet heard still by some for the noises are screams from the soul or the spirit.
Because the government is too prejudice to listen to the natives they need our help.
We all need help.
Maybe help is good but in what way?  How can we help?
Great question! How can we help? Who are we helping? Ourselves? What does it mean to help?
I would help everyone who are trying to get the truth about TRC, residential school and to get to the bottom of it.

When someone is honest to you and doesn’t lie about it. That is what truth is.
Truth is between people as a mutual agreement.
It is a secret in each individual.  Maybe it should not be opened.
But why do you insist that we do not open up?  Is there a fear of opening up a conversation or finding a truth that you’re trying to hide?
Native people are trying to talk about residential school, about them being hurt and then they talk about it.
How can I be open to listen and hear the truth? Attention to truth and listening is the only true alliance.
It sometimes is easier to believe a lie than to accept the true truth.

Truth is painful but powerful. The truth is that country is built on lies and bullshit.  I am sick of hearing “GET OVER IT.”  500 years of genocide, assimilation, abuse, neglect…
You are right the country is built on lies and b.s. I wish they would get over it and be truthful.
Sometimes honesty is a big scary change.
The more you tell the truth the more trouble you get. Sometimes say honesty is the best policy.
Honesty is a kind of truth. Honesty can hurt people’s feelings. But isn’t it better to be honest? What is the negative effect of honesty?
I will like to find the truth about the residential school survivor.
Truth is brave. Telling the truth is brave.

Abnormal fact is less true than normal fiction.
It not good when is not normal but how can you find the truth?
How can we find truth? Great question. This is a question on method. What strategies do we – should we – use to find truth? Should we draw on many traditions? Create new ones?
Truth. When will it be done.
I have to continue to believe that truth is possible.
The possibilities of truth or lies is as boundless as the universe
And as limited to the psychic destruction of one individual.